trigram frequency

trigram frequency
частота встречаемости [появления] триграмм (в тексте).

English-Russian cryptological dictionary . 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "trigram frequency" в других словарях:

  • Frequency analysis — In cryptanalysis, frequency analysis is the study of the frequency of letters or groups of letters in a ciphertext. The method is used as an aid to breaking classical ciphers.this is wrong is based on the fact that, in any given stretch of… …   Wikipedia

  • Letter frequency — The frequency of letters in text has often been studied for use in cryptography, and frequency analysis in particular. No exact letter frequency distribution underlies a given language, since all writers write slightly differently. Linotype… …   Wikipedia

  • частота встречаемости (появления) триграмм в тексте — — [] Тематики защита информации EN trigram frequency …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • List of acronyms and initialisms: V — This list contains acronyms, initialisms, and pseudo blends that begin with the letter V. For the purposes of this list: acronym = an abbreviation pronounced as a series of constituent letters, e.g., SARS = severe acute respiratory syndrome… …   Wikipedia

  • n-gram — Not to be confused with engram. In the fields of computational linguistics and probability, an n gram is a contiguous sequence of n items from a given sequence of text or speech. The items in question can be phonemes, syllables, letters, words or …   Wikipedia

  • List of acronyms and initialisms: D — This list contains acronyms, initialisms, and pseudo blends that begin with the letter D. For the purposes of this list: acronym = an abbreviation pronounced as a series of constituent letters, e.g., SARS = severe acute respiratory syndrome… …   Wikipedia

  • Cryptanalysis of the Enigma — enabled the western Allies in World War II to read substantial amounts of secret Morse coded radio communications of the Axis powers that had been enciphered using Enigma machines. This yielded military intelligence which, along with that from… …   Wikipedia

  • Letter frequencies — The frequency of letters in text has often been studied for use in cryptography, and frequency analysis in particular. No exact letter frequency distribution underlies a given language, since all writers write slightly differently. Linotype… …   Wikipedia

  • Language model — A statistical language model assigns a probability to a sequence of m words P(w 1,ldots,w m) by means of a probability distribution.Language modeling is used in many natural language processing applications such as speech recognition, machine… …   Wikipedia

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